What platforms do you use for web design?We use a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and custom HTML/CSS, based on client needs and the project’s requirements.
Do you offer ongoing website maintenance and updates?Yes, we do. We offer a variety of website maintenance packages to ensure your website remains current and secure.
Will my website be mobile-friendly?Absolutely! We follow a mobile-first approach to ensure your website is fully responsive and provides a great user experience on all devices.
Can you design websites for any industry?Yes, our team has experience designing websites across various industries. We customize each design to match your unique business needs and industry standards.
Do I have any say in the design process?Absolutely! Your input is crucial to our design process. We work closely with you to ensure the final design aligns with your business goals and aesthetics.
What information will I need to provide you with?You’ll need to provide information about your business, your goals for the website, any specific design elements you want, and content for different sections of the site.
How long will it take for my website to be designed?The time frame depends on the complexity of the design and functionality. A primary site can take 4 to 6 weeks, while more complex sites may take longer.
Will my website be search engine friendly?Yes, all our designs are SEO-friendly. We follow best practices to ensure search engines can easily index and rank your website.
How do you handle website accessibility?We ensure your website meets WCAG accessibility guidelines, which include text for images, proper colour contrast, keyboard-friendly navigation, and more.
What if I need to update my website content later?We can provide a content management system (CMS) that allows you to update your website content easily. If you prefer, we also offer website maintenance and update services.
Will I own my website once it’s completed?Absolutely! Once the website is completed and fully paid for, you have full ownership of your website and all its content.
Do you provide website hosting and domain services?Yes, we can assist with domain registration and provide hosting services. We also offer recommendations if you prefer third-party hosting services.
Will my website be able to handle high traffic volume?Yes, we design websites keeping scalability in mind. If your site experiences a spike in traffic, it should perform optimally. However, this also depends on your web hosting service.
Can I see some examples of websites you’ve designed?We’d be happy to show you our portfolio. It will give you an idea of our design aesthetics and capabilities.
How can a website help my business?A website can help your business by improving visibility, establishing credibility, attracting more customers, showcasing your products or services, and much more.
Can you redesign my existing website?Yes, we offer website redesign services. We can update your website to improve its aesthetics, user experience, and performance.
Can you help me with my website content?Yes, we offer content creation services. We can help create engaging, SEO-friendly content for your website.
What is the difference between a dynamic and a static site?A static site displays the same content to every visitor, while a dynamic site can display different content based on user interactions, location, time, and more.
Will my website design be unique?Absolutely! We customize every website design based on your unique business needs and aesthetics. We do not use templates unless requested by the client.
What happens if my website gets hacked?We take several security measures to protect your website. However, in the unlikely event that your site is compromised, we offer website recovery services.


How long before I see results from SEO?SEO is a long-term strategy, and the results depend on numerous factors. While minor changes can bring quick improvements, substantial results typically take 3-6 months or more.
How do you choose the keywords for my website?We perform detailed keyword research, considering factors like relevance to your business, search volume, competition, and user intent.
Do you follow search engine guidelines?We follow ethical, white-hat SEO practices that align with search engine guidelines to ensure sustainable growth.
How do you handle link-building?We follow a strategic and ethical approach to link building, which includes creating valuable content, outreach to relevant websites, guest blogging, and more.
What does an SEO audit include?An SEO audit includes checking your website for technical issues, evaluating on-page and off-page SEO, assessing your site’s content, and analyzing your website’s performance against competitors.
Can you guarantee a #1 ranking on Google?SEO is unpredictable, and we don’t guarantee a #1 ranking as it would be misleading. However, we aim to significantly improve your rankings and online visibility using ethical SEO strategies.
What types of SEO do you specialize in?We specialize in all aspects of SEO, including on-page, off-page, technical SEO, and local SEO.
How often do you report on my website’s SEO performance?We typically provide monthly SEO reports but can customize the reporting frequency based on your needs.
Can you optimize my site’s loading speed?Yes, site speed is a crucial part of technical SEO. We employ various techniques to enhance page loading speed.
How do you handle local SEO?Local SEO involves optimizing your online presence to attract business from local searches. We use strategies like optimizing for Google My Business, obtaining local customer reviews, local-centric content creation, and more.
Can you optimize my website’s content?Yes, content optimization is a vital part of on-page SEO. This includes optimizing your content for relevant keywords and readability and ensuring it provides value to users.
How do you improve my website’s domain authority?We use strategies like creating high-quality, link-worthy content, gaining backlinks from reputable sites, improving your internal link structure, and removing wrong links.
Can you help with Google penalties?Yes, we can help identify the cause of the penalty, devise a recovery plan, and guide you through regaining your rankings.
Can you optimize my e-commerce site’s SEO?We are experienced in e-commerce SEO, which includes optimizing product descriptions, category pages, meta tags, and more.
How do you handle changes in Google’s algorithm?We stay updated with the latest SEO trends and Google updates to ensure your website remains optimized and compliant with Google’s guidelines.
How does social media impact my SEO?Social media itself doesn’t directly impact SEO. Still, it helps in spreading your content which can lead to increased visibility and potentially more backlinks, which can influence your SEO positively.
How do you measure the success of SEO?We measure SEO success using metrics such as organic traffic, search engine rankings, time spent on the site, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
What SEO tools do you use?We use various SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMRush, Moz, Ahrefs, and more. The tools used can vary based on the specific requirements of the project.
How do you handle SEO for different languages and regions?For different languages and regions, we implement hreflang tags and follow best practices for international SEO to ensure correct regional targeting.
How can SEO benefit my business in the long run?SEO can help increase your website’s visibility in search engines, attract quality traffic, and boost credibility and trust in your business. Over time, this leads to more conversions and revenue growth.


How soon can I expect results from Google Ads?Google Ads can start delivering results almost immediately after the ads go live. However, it might take a few weeks of optimization for more significant and consistent results.
How much does Google Ads cost?The cost of Google Ads can vary greatly depending on your industry, competition, keywords you’re targeting, and your daily budget.
Can I set a budget for my Google Ads campaign?Yes, you have total control over your budget in Google Ads. You can set a daily budget and a maximum bid amount for each keyword.
What is a reasonable click-through rate (CTR) for Google Ads?A good CTR can vary depending on the industry and the type of ad. However, the average CTR in Google Ads is around 2%.
How do you choose keywords for my Google Ads campaigns?We conduct thorough keyword research based on your industry, business, and competitors. We also consider the search volume, competition, and cost per click of each keyword.
What is the difference between SEO and Google Ads?SEO is a long-term strategy that aims to improve your organic rankings in search engines. Google Ads is a form of paid advertising where you bid to have your ads displayed in the sponsored listings of a search engine.
Can I target specific locations with my Google Ads?Yes, Google Ads allows you to target your ads to specific locations. You can target by country, state, city, or even a radius around a location.
Can I see how my Google Ads are performing?Yes, we provide regular reports that give detailed insights into your ad performance, including impressions, clicks, conversions, and more.
How do I know if Google Ads is profitable for my business?The profitability of Google Ads can be determined by calculating your return on ad spend (ROAS). If your ROAS is positive, then Google Ads is profitable for your business.
Can I run Google Ads on a small budget?Yes, Google Ads can be run on any budget, and you have complete control over how much you spend on ads.
How do you improve the performance of my Google Ads?We continuously monitor and optimize your performance campaigns. This includes keyword optimization, improving ad copy, adjusting bids, and optimizing for conversions.
Can you manage my Google Shopping campaigns?We can manage all types of Google Ads campaigns, including Google Shopping.
What is the difference between Google Ads and Google AdSense?Google Ads is a platform for businesses to advertise their products/services on Google. Google AdSense is a platform for website owners to earn money by displaying Google ads on their websites.
What is a quality score in Google Ads?Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords and ads. It influences your cost per click and your ad rank.
Can you create video ads for YouTube?Yes, as part of our Google Ads management, we can manage your YouTube ads, which includes video ad creation.
How do you handle ad extensions?We use ad extensions to improve your ad visibility and click-through rate. This includes using site link extensions, call extensions, and location extensions based on your business needs.
Can I target my ads to specific devices, like mobile or desktop?Yes, Google Ads allows you to adjust your bids for different devices to show your ads more or less frequently for users on other devices.
Can you help with remarketing campaigns?Yes, we can set up and manage your remarketing campaigns, helping you reconnect with visitors who have previously interacted with your website.
Can you manage my Google Display Network (GDN) campaigns?Yes, we can manage your GDN campaigns, including designing display ads and optimizing for performance.
What does PPC mean?PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, a model of online marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Google Ads is one of the most popular forms of PPC.


How long does it take to build an e-commerce website?The time to build an e-commerce site can vary based on complexity, the number of products, and the features you want. On average, it can take 2-4 months.
Can I update products on my site myself?Our e-commerce platforms provide an easy-to-use management system allowing you to add, edit, and delete products or change pricing whenever necessary.
Will my e-commerce site be mobile-friendly?We understand the importance of mobile shopping and design all our e-commerce sites to be fully responsive on all devices.
What payment gateways do you integrate?Based on your requirements and preference, we can integrate a wide range of payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, Square, and others.
Can my e-commerce site handle high traffic volumes?Yes, we ensure your website is built on a robust platform and hosting environment to handle high traffic volumes, especially during peak shopping seasons.
How do you handle website security?We ensure your site is secure through SSL certification, secure payment gateways, regular updates, and other best practices.
Can I track inventory with my e-commerce site?Inventory management is a standard feature in most e-commerce platforms, allowing you to track stock levels in real-time.
How can I track sales and other analytics?We integrate your site with tools like Google Analytics, providing detailed insights about your sales, website traffic, customer behaviour, and more.
Can I offer discounts or promo codes on my site?Yes, our e-commerce solutions support creating and managing discount codes, promotional offers, and sales.
Will my e-commerce site be SEO-friendly?Yes, we ensure your site is built with SEO in mind from the ground up, including product and category meta tags, keyword-friendly URLs, and more.
How is shipping handled on my e-commerce site?We can integrate various shipping options, including flat rates, free shipping, or real-time quotes from multiple couriers. Shipping can be configured based on your needs.
Can you help me with product photography?While our primary focus is web development, we can connect you with professional product photography services if needed.
Can I sell digital products on my site?Yes, our e-commerce platforms can handle both physical and digital products.
Do you offer ongoing support and maintenance?Yes, we provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your e-commerce site remains secure, up-to-date, and performing at its best.
Can I have user reviews on my products?Yes, our e-commerce solutions allow for product reviews which can help build trust and boost conversions.
Can you help me with my e-commerce strategy?We offer strategy services to help you reach your goals, including customer acquisition, conversion rate optimization, and more.
Can you set up email marketing for my e-commerce site?Yes, we can integrate your e-commerce site with email marketing tools and help set up email campaigns for cart abandonment, newsletters, promotional offers, etc.
What platforms do you use for e-commerce development?We work with various platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and others, choosing the best one based on your specific requirements and goals.
Can you handle multilingual and multi-currency e-commerce sites?We can set up your e-commerce site to support multiple languages and currencies, providing a localized experience for your global customers.
How will you design my e-commerce site to maximize sales?We follow best practices in e-commerce design, including clear CTAs, user-friendly navigation, quality product images, persuasive product descriptions, an easy checkout process, and more.